What is Iaido?
The most common explanation is "it is the art of drawing the sword".
The concept is to practice being mentally aware and ready for an attack, and react accordingly by cutting your opponent, known as Teki, while drawing the sword from its sheath or saya, then verifying the threat has been dealt with, sheathing the blade, and returning to a calm, ready state.
To achieve this, we practice using a standardized set of response-and-counterattack drills called Kata in an individual practice. Iaido is practised without a direct partner or opponent, with the target being an invisible adversary, provided by the imagination of the Iaidoka.
Who is The Edmonton Iaido Club?
We formed in September 2012 when Iaido was introduced to the Edmonton Kendo and Naginata club, now the Kita Kaze Budo Association. With guidance from Calgary's Iaido club, Ka Muso Kai and the support and oversight of Sensei Alexander Cook, we continue to practice and promote Iaido in Edmonton.
As we are a student-lead dojo without a local Iaido sensei, our practices are run by Steve Munro, with the assistance of our growing network of partner dojo. At this time, Steve holds the rank of Sandan (Third-degree) in Iaido with the Canadian Kendo Federation.
Is that thing real?
What you mean to ask is, "Is that thing sharp?" and no, it is not. For everyone's safety, we practice with either wooden practice swords, called Bokken or Bokuto, or an Iaito, which is a dull metal sword. Typically, practice with sharpened swords doesn't happen until Iaidoka reach the rank of Yondan (Fourth-degree).
Our Lineage: Muso Shinden-ryu (Shimomura-ha Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu)
Matsuyoshi Teisuke (Shinsuke) Hisanari 松吉貞助久成
Yamakawa Kyuzo Yukikatsu (Yukio) 山川久蔵幸雄
Shimomura (Tsubouchi) Moichi (Seisure) Sadamasa 下村茂市定政
Hosokawa (Gisho) Yoshimasa (Yoshiuma) (After Oe Masamichi Shikei) 細川義昌
Nakayama (Hakudo) (Yushin) Hiromichi 中山博道
Danzaki, Tomoaki (1906 – 2003)
Mitsuzuka, Takeshi (1926 – 2008)
Yamamoto, Shotaro (1927 – 2013)
Chris Gilham (1971 - )
Alexander Cook (1987 - )
Steve Munro (1976 - )